You can think of Hemp as Marijuana's cousin that everybody likes!
Hemp is a form of Cannabis Sativa that cannot be smoked or consumed for recreational use. Hemp has little to no (less than .03 %) THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) as defined by the USDA 2018 Farm Bill. THC is the chemical found in marijuana (weed, ganja, flower, dabs, edibles, etc) that produces the euphoric "high" effect. Instead, you can think of hemp as similar to cotton when used for textiles. Industrial Hemp is grown on a farm and then its fiber is processed to make thread, yarn, fabric, clothing, and accessories. Hemp seeds can also be used similarly to other seed oils in cooking, cosmetics, health supplements, cleaning products etc. Read more about topical hemp seed oil here. Hemp is a low maintenance, carbon sequestering crop with high fiber yields. We believe Hemp is the most sustainable organic material. Hemp is native to Northern Asia and its history dates back to the beginning of recorded human history. More on Hemp History here. Unfortunately we have lost valuable research and development time due to political and social bias surrounding cannabis.